Monday, August 31, 2009

Baby Aric has Arrived!

So I woke up at around 6 a.m. on 8/27/09 Thursday Morning and felt a little uncomfortable, my chihuahua who was sleeping behind my knees took off and went to sleep with my husband. I rolled over and went back to sleep. My alarm went off and I got up at 7:30 a.m. I felt a little trickle run down my leg, I just thought it might be some extra discharge. As I go about feeding the dogs I feel a little more and then a little more to where a puddle collects on the floor. I then wake my husband and tell him that "I think my water broke" in his sleepiness he says "sit down, note time, call doctor". I call the doctor and she tells me to head to the hospital, go to the 4th floor and they will test and see if it is amniotic fluid. I had a doc appointment at 9:50 that morning anyway so I decide to take a shower and get dressed. My husband takes a shower and then we head out the door after we got all my bags, pillows, and makeup kit. We arrive at the hospital at around 9 o'clock. I never ate breakfast or even took my prenatal vitamin so I am hungry! They will not let me eat because it came back positive that my water has broken so I am being checked in and taken to Labor and Delivery.

My doctor orders pitocin to get me to contract because I wasn't contracting. This is not how I wanted to start my first childbirth, I've heard pitocin makes your contractions very hard compared to natural contractions. About 20 mins later the pitocin is working and I'm get contractions. They start off about 3 to 4 minutes apart but they are not too bad. My doctor comes to see me at about 12:30 and checks that I'm only dilated by 1 1/2 cm. My husband and I talk to her for a while she tells us that they baby will be awhile. My husband then has to go, his customers need stuff done and he promises to be back soon. He brings me my pillows and bag before he leaves. My contractions start to get worse and I ask for the pain meds they put in your I.V. That works for me I go all the way to 3:30 when my contractions start to hurt really bad! I mean I'm really rethinking my no epidural policy! My husband gets there and I tell him that I might want an epidural he asks if I'm sure and I tell him no but then a very large contraction occurs and I say I might go ahead and take one. They check my cervix and I'm dilated to 9 cm and this kid is coming now!

My doc then comes in and checks my cervix again and I'm at 10cm! They break the bed apart and get me in the stir-ups and tell me to get ready push. The doc then tells me that after my next contraction when I feel the urge to push to breath in and then push. After only 29 minutes of pushing Aric Logan was born at 4:29 P.M. on Thursday 8/27/09. I got to hold him for 5 mins and the the doc had to start stitching me up as my husband got to take pictures of the baby and hold him.

What happened next was unexpected. They came over and said that he has a little fluid in his lungs and that he was going to the transitional nursery to be checked out and I don't get to keep him for the first few hours. They never brought him back. I finally got to see him again at around 8 o'clock that night. They brought him to my recovery room and told me he has a Cleft Palate and he had a dusky spell (he stopped breathing) and so he has to go to NICU.

This was just the beginning of our ordeal!!

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - Albert Einstein

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