Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Aric is doing better!

Baby Aric is doing better! He is starting to eat more at each feeding, sometimes finishing it all! Yesterday he managed to pee and poop on me when I went to change his diaper! Daddy thought that was funny and I think so did baby Aric!

I love being his Mommy I just wish I could take him home already. The little time I get to spend with him here is just not enough. I want to have him home so I can be with him all the time!

We did try a new nipple for feeding this afternoon, the Nuk Nipple but the nurse changed him back to the Haberman Nipple. The feeding specialist that my Husband talked to on the phone said that he needs to stay on 1 type of nipple and not switch back and forth so I think we need to stick to the Haberman Nipple.

I pray we get to take him home soon!

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - Albert Einstein

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